Density Room | Paolo Ciuccarelli and Salvatore Zingale
DensityDesign Lab (IT) - Infopetry
Thirteen video projects explore social, environmental and technological issues in 15 minutes.
14 september - 28 october 2018

The group exhibition is curated by the DensityDesign Lab of the Politecnico di Milano and Wild Mazzini on the theme of Substance Changes.

Thirteen projects that use the language of video and the digital flow – created by thirteen students – explore social, environmental and technological issues to highlight aspects of reality that would otherwise be hidden in the complexity of the phenomena and the vast amount of data these produce.

DensityDesign Lab (IT) – Infopetry

Developed by Paolo Ciuccarelli and Salvatore Zingale between 2015 and 2018, these projects are intended as exercises in infopoetry and aim to combine information design with a poetic approach to the representation of reality.

The exhibition, with works by Giulia Piccoli Trapletti, Francesco Bianchi, Marta Mandile, Chiara Bonsignore, Yue Qiu, Valeria Brienza, Sofia Girelli, Francesco Giudice, Giovanni Battista Pesarini, Marta Morandi, Pietro Cedone and Claudio Fabbro, presents an investigation into contemporary events by transforming of structured and unstructured data into engaging experiences.

Density Design Lab

DensityDesign is a Research Laboratory of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano, focusing on the visual representation of complex social, organizational and urban phenomena.
The research objective is to exploit the potential of information visualization and design and provide innovative and engaging visual artifacts that allow researchers to compellingly present topics.

By organizing numerical data, reinterpreting qualitative information, locating information geographically and constructing visual taxonomies, it is possible to develop a diagrammatic visualization, a graphic “shortcut” that effectively describes and reveals the hidden connections of complex systems. The visualizations are open, inclusive and preserve multiple interpretations of complex phenomena.

DensityDesign is committed to working with other researchers and organizations oriented towards independence and academic rigor, open investigation and risk-taking to improve our understanding of the world.
